
Cyber Monday: Businesses Guide to Success

With the popularity and convenience of online shopping, Cyber Monday has fast become one of the largest worldwide sale events of the year since its conception in 2005. Businesses can get help navigating the busy sales period with the help of a Digital Marketing Agency in Brisbane like Digital Accord. If you are unfamiliar, Cyber Monday falls on the Monday following another massive sale event, Black Friday. The difference between Black Friday and Cyber Monday is that Cyber Monday had initially started to encourage consumers to shop online, whereas previously, Black Friday sales were predominantly in brick-and-mortar stores.

Website Optimisation During the much-anticipated sale season, businesses will see a rise in traffic and activity on their website. Optimising websites to be Cyber Monday-ready is crucial. A digital marketing agency in Brisbane, such as Digital Accord, can help businesses assess their website's current strengths and weaknesses while also identifying potential opportunities. Some examples of website optimisation functions are Secure Payment Processing, Page Load Speed Optimisation, and making it Tablet and Mobile ready.

Email Marketing Discussing an email marketing strategy with a Digital Marketing Agency in Brisbane, like Digital Accord, is a great way to let your existing customer base know to expect a Cyber Monday sale. As Cyber Monday directly follows Black Friday and falls around the holiday season, where consumers often feel like they are being bombarded by constant sales and promotions, we recommend monitoring the frequency as well as sending impactful and brand-relevant messaging while avoiding generic emails that will be moved to trash or result in the customer unsubscribing.

Retargeting The sale period is a great opportunity to sway customers that are on the fence about making a purchase. Depending on how a business has optimized their website and how far a potential customer has gotten in the checkout process before deciding not to pursue the purchase, businesses may be able to trigger an email to let them know that the product is still available. This serves to remind the customer about the product, which may result in a potential purchase rather than a completely abandoned cart and lost sale.

Can a brick-and-mortar business participate in Cyber Monday sales?

Although Cyber Monday initially started out as an online-only sale to encourage consumers to shop online, it has started to creep its way into brick-and-mortar stores, with businesses and retailers alike offering the same promotions that are present on their websites within their brick-and-mortar stores. Speaking with a Digital Marketing Agency such as Digital Accord is a great way for businesses to see how they can implement a strategy that would work in-store as well as online.

As daunting as it is for businesses and consumers as the busy sale and festive season approaches, by having a strong and effective marketing strategy in place, this will ensure that businesses are able to track weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities for the year ahead. By consulting with a Digital Marketing Agency in Brisbane, like Digital Accord, it is a great low-risk chance for businesses to make an impact with their current and potential consumer base during the sales season while reducing consumers' sales fatigue. By doing this, businesses are able to tap into years of expert knowledge and guidance.

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