
How To Grow Your Instagram in 2022

A new year means new digital marketing goals for the year! No matter whether you are a well-established company or a start up you will find will some useful tips to help you grow your business below!

Increase Customer Relations

Your customers are at the core of everything you do! This means your social media also needs to continue to serve your customers. Your Instagram should be an avenue for real-time communication for your customers. Once you have created a solid customer base, you need to build relationships with them to ensure they come back again.

Share user-generated content

If your customers love your products, they are going to love sharing them with their friends and family. This is made particularly easy by customers sharing and tagging your brand on their Instagram posts. Utilising this user-generated content will help build your community and provide awesome content!

Provide Valuable Content

Different brands use numerous types on content to share their products. Although some will be promotional, creating a balance between promotional content and educational and free value for your loyal customers. This may include giveaways, free products, discount codes or knowledge. Ensuring your content is not just bombarding your customers with promotions is important!

Upgrade Your Shop

Easy and convenient navigation to your products should be a priority for your Instagram. This will allow for easy exploration of products and a smooth transition to purchasing. Customising collections for your customers is a simple way to compile gift guides during peak shopping periods. Make sure you utilise product tags on your products for seamless shopping.

Remember your feed is the equivalent of a physical store front, make sure your feed reflects seasonal offerings and any sales that you are promoting. This also means your feed will benefit from a steady flow of shoppable content.

Create Product Launch Excitement

Once you have created a loyal customer base with good relationships your customers will be just as excited as you for new products. Building up anticipation and excitement for your new products will help ensure a successful launch of your new products.

Use Sneak Peeks!

Utilising your stories to allow you customers to see the behind the scenes of the creation of your new products will help create excitement. This will help nourish the relationships with your customers as they will get to know your brand personally.

Have a Giveaway

Creating an exclusive giveaway that allows one of your loyal customers the ability to have your products before it is on sale will help develop a hype. Requiring your customers to follow you, share the product and tag a friend can also help build your followers in the lead up to the release of your products.

Create a Teaser Video

A quick and simple teaser video will allow your customers to get a glimpse of the new product. An engaging and sharp video will help get your audience ready for the product launch!

Need help getting a head start on your Digital Marketing goals for this year? Find out how our team of Brisbane Digital Marketing specialists can help you!

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