
Benefits of Cloud Back Ups and Why Outsourcing is a Great Business Strategy 

As the year comes to a close, it is often the time of year when businesses start doing general housekeeping and assess changes required in preparation for the new year ahead. This is a great time for businesses to examine their backup solutions and cybersecurity. Outsourcing Cloud Hosting with a business offering Managed IT services, like Digital Accord, is a great route. In this blog, we will go through the benefits of Cloud backups and outsourcing for cloud hosting for businesses. 

Three benefits of cloud backups for businesses are: 

Data Protection and Security - It is important for businesses to not only have backups of their data in the event of unexpected hardware errors, software corruption, computer viruses, and cyber attacks, as well as natural disasters or power failure. Third-party cloud hosting with a business offering Managed IT services, such as Digital Accord, will offer data encryption, allocated staff dedicated to monitoring and identifying potential threats. 

Recovery - If businesses with cloud-hosted backups do experience data loss as a result of unexpected events, the recovery process of their data is a lot more hassle-free as opposed to a business that does not have cloud backups in place. Third-party cloud hosting with a business offering Managed IT services, such as Digital Accord, is helpful during the recovery process as you will have staff that specialise specifically in assisting with the recovery process. 

Accessibility - Cloud hosting provides employees with ease of accessing and collaborating on business data amongst teams and team members. This is especially helpful as these days many businesses are adopting more flexible work structures, such as work-from-home days and employing remote workers in different time zones. Businesses that partner with a third-party cloud hosting business offering Managed IT services, such as Digital Accord, can benefit from this as they will often offer 24/7 support, which is useful for employees that don’t work the 9 am-5 pm schedule or, as mentioned, in different time zones. 

Outsourcing cloud hosting is a great decision for businesses as it reduces excessive costs by eliminating the need for spending on specialised hardware, network equipment, and building space, which you may need to continually update and grow as the business expands. In saying that, another benefit of outsourcing cloud hosting is that the flexibility of increasing and decreasing storage capacity offers less risk, and the business is able to grow or scale back at their own pace. 

If your business is yet to invest in cloud hosting, it is a great time to evaluate the different options available. Cloud hosting is a great way for businesses to improve the efficiency and flexibility in the way that their employees work, as well as safeguarding data from unexpected errors. Exploring outsourcing cloud hosting options with a third-party cloud hosting business offering Managed IT services, such as Digital Accord, is also an excellent option for business, as this allows businesses to continue to run while knowing that their data is being protected by staff that are knowledgeable and offer continuous customer support. If you would like to know more about cloud hosting and Managed IT services that Digital Accord offers, please contact us here

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