The Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend is fast approaching! Australian retailers can look forward to a huge sale frenzy with a predicted $5.4 billion to be spent over the weekend. The end of lockdown across Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra will drive strong sales not only in store but also online.
Plan Your Sales!
Customers have begun researching the best deals that companies have to offer. So, it’s crucial to ensure that you have begun organising the sales that you are going to offer. The sooner you have your sales prepared the sooner customers will put your business on their shopping list.
Keep in mind that the holiday shopping won’t end after the weekend, but it will keep going up until Christmas. In 2020, 75% of consumers purchased presents in the last two weeks prior to Christmas. Ensure you are building a strong base for not only this Christmas period but also for these customers to be repeat and loyal customers.
Get Your Marketing Campaign Going!
Email Marketing
If you are struggling with ideas on where to begin with your marketing, emails are a safe bet. Sending marketing campaigns to customers who have previously chosen to engage with your business in the past will allow for greater impact. Your promotions can also increase your email list for your next sale.
Social Media Marketing
Social media allows you to tease your upcoming promotions across Facebook and Instagram to not only attract your returning customers but also new potential customers. You can even boost your posts to target specific audiences or reach a larger audience.
Create a schedule to ensure your posts are planned and distributed at the best time!
Keep an Eye on your competition
With a huge number of businesses utilising the Black Friday sales to drive attention to their business it’s important that your small business sets itself apart from the other small businesses and big-name retailers.
Offering a small incentive may help encourage customers to shop with you or even come back for another sale. This may include offering a free gift, discounts or free shipping with their purchases.
Emphasize the personal touch that your small business can have compared to the big-name retailers. Your customers will appreciate it and remember you next time they are looking to buy again.
Consult your website hosting provider
Your website needs to be functional and ready to handle your customers over the Black Friday sale weekend. You may need to consider:
- Can your hosting plan handle a surge of traffic?
- Ensure your safe from online vulnerabilities
- Consider the speed of your website
- The possibility of down time over the weekend
If you are concerned about your website hosting, contact us to find out how we can ensure your website is ready for this busy shopping season!